Friday, September 30, 2011

Tale of Two Cities

Some photos from our long weekend in Shanghai earlier this month. I just love the contrast of new and old!

"Old Street" - we spent a few hours exploring the cheap souvenirs and fake antiques, and actually ended up buying a painting.

The Bund

After melting for a day and a half the humidity suddenly disappeared! And just like that Fall is here! Yes!

Nanjing Donglu--THE shopping street. I'll have to come back without Brian!

Newly renovated Buddhist temple sandwiched among skyscrapers


  1. That picture of you and Brian is SO GREAT! Y'all are PUHRETTY attractive.

  2. Great pics, Leslie - am I crazy, or do some of the buildings along the river look like they would also be at home in London? What a crazy blend of architecture!

    As always, keep up the great writing!!!


  3. Thanks Deb! And yup Logan, Brian was saying the same thing about London.
