Saturday, August 6, 2011

Happy Valentines Day Babe! Now eat bugs.

Today is Qi Xi Jie, the Night of Sevens, the rough equivalent of Valentines Day. As a newly married woman, I'm supposed to be demonstrating my mastery of the "domestic arts" by artfully carving melons and trying to float a needle on water to prove my skills as a seamstress. Later today I will make offerings of fruit, tea, flowers and makeup, and then attempt to throw them 6 stories up on to the roof of our apartment so I'll be united in beauty with Zhinü (a fairy separated from her love in the sky, except on this day).

Instead, I'm now lying on the couch in my pjs, teeth unbrushed, rocking some fantastic bed head, watching my back-up husband beat the Yankees, and feeding my actual husband bugs. Yup, bugs. As any good Valentine is apt to do, I was making one of Brian's favorite dinners, arroz con pollo. About half way thru I realized there wasn't enough rice to soak up the sauce, so I went to add more. Only then did I realize the rice was alive. Cross my heart, I didn't see a single little black bug when I'd scooped out the first two cups!  I'm praying they were at the bottom of the container and I simply stirred them up, meaning our dinner was still bug free. Needless to say, I didn't add more rice, or bugs, to the pot. We simply had somewhat soupy arroz con pollo. That's right, we ate it. Somehow we were both very calm about this. Maybe it's a sign that China is rubbing off on us? Only as we crawled into bed last night, did we both confess that we had to convince ourselves with each bite that the flakes of oregano were NOT bugs with the legs cooked off of them.

Now, who wants leftovers?

Click to enlarge....


  1. Hi! I just found your blog and love it! Thanks for sharing so much about your Chinese experience--you are hilarious! My husband, myself, and our 3 year old daughter may be moving to China for a year starting Aug. 2012 while he teaches US History at a Chinese University. We've been there before for a month in 2004 but are very interested to see what has changed. I look forward to reading more of your entries!

  2. The sign of a truely GREAT cook is when you tell someone they're getting bugs in their meal and they STILL love it!

  3. Hi Casey, so glad you found your way here! Sounds like you have a great adventure ahead of you as well.

  4. Oh dear, a true China moment. It sounds like you rolled with it pretty well. I haven't had bugs in my rice yet, only in my flour. I've been pretty lucky that way, at least so far!

  5. Hi Kiley--China sure does change our perception of what constitutes edible food, no?! Glad you stopped by--I really enjoy gogovivi, especially your photography!

  6. no worries, bugs are good for you. lol let's say to the GREAT chef that dinner had more flavor and meat!? well, I think the bugs are a sign of an old rice or it's very hot where you are. we used to get rice from China and mum always would wash it pretty thoroughly, just in case of any black eight legs was hiding inside.
